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Wife, Mumma, wearer of purple, #pblogger, #prfriendly #reviewer Shortlisted in #BiBs in Commentary. Sponsor me here pls! http://www.justgiving.com/autism-mumma

Timetable Tuesday 13th August 2013

Written by Jeannette

We had a trip to town today, to replace the books that T had lost, this has been causing him anxieties for a couple of weeks. I've held back from replacing them in the hope they'd turn up - and we've (erm, no that would be me) looked into every conceivable place in the house. I can only assume that, because he likes to carry books around with him - as a form of security - he's put them down somewhere whilst out and left them (which would be extremely unusual for him).

So, a trip to the bookshop was in order. T had to know in advance exactly where we were going, down to the extent of the shops and areas we'd have to pass through to get there. He got very upset if I attempted to deviate, even in shops he'd usually be keen on - for example, Game with its Skylander displays.

D alternated between not quite bolting, but not wanting to be in particular places, I'd turn around and she was out of the buggy and, in some cases, outside of the shop, which is always my nightmare. She had her ipad, bag of comforters and, of course, Bunny but that didn't seem to be enough to distract her from the fact it was busy. Lots of families shopping and quite a few stares.

It was a relief to head home and then the aftermath started, from both of them. Little squabbles turned into bigger ones, over (what would seem) the smallest of things. It was a lot for them to deal with, but we did have a purpose for being out.

T was very quick to head out to the garden for a bounce (in fact once we were off the bus and in our area, he was bouncing on the spot, it's definitely a calming tool) whilst D demanded "hug me, Mumma".

It's a relief in a way that Hubbie and T have a local match to go and watch tonight, they'll get a chance to unwind, have some "male" time and D's just read me a bedtime story, which was lovely.

A better day tomorrow has been inwardly ordered, today's all been a bit busy and headache-inducing. But you carry on, because the routines need meeting.

I hope everyone's had a good day, comments/RTs/shares as ever welcomed, thanks for reading Jx 😘

Timetable Tuesday 13th August 2013
Timetable Tuesday 13th August 2013
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