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Wife, Mumma, wearer of purple, #pblogger, #prfriendly #reviewer Shortlisted in #BiBs in Commentary. Sponsor me here pls! http://www.justgiving.com/autism-mumma

Tuesday 2nd October - the positives of social media

Written by bluecrisps

Yesterday I had a teensy moan about the fact that an 18 year old vomiting on stage seemed more important than everything else going on in the world. This is because, I presume, that to the millions of people that follow this teenager, it IS more important and therefore, every time he tweets/does something, it's RTd everywhere and you have a trend, albeit a frustrating one if you're trying to raise awareness for good causes.

Today has seen the positive side to social media. A 5 year old girl was abducted last evening and, although an arrest has been made, she hasn't yet been found. Thanks to twitter/Facebook etc her picture and the number to call with information have been circulating all day. A good thing when you consider timelines can be vast and items can be missed. A picture can be posted on twitter, with a message for assistance, and it's out there, reaching people who might know something/can RT and their followers can RT etc, reaching a potentially huge number of people in a matter of minutes.

Extra big hugs for my T and D tonight, as I'm sure many parents have done. I hope there's news of the poor little mite soon.

Our day:

We had a great school run this morning. D enjoyed looking at the trees and their autumn colours on the way. Just outside her school grounds there's a horse chestnut tree which always gets bashed about by the secondary school pupils on their way home. So any conkers are not to be found at head-height! I managed to get one down for her and she took it into school, with a non-prickly section of shell to show her classmates. Therefore she went in very happily, it was nice to see! πŸπŸƒπŸ‚

A different story when I collected her. I could see through the door that she was upset and as soon as she saw me, she bolted. It was a case of building up emotions, which she does tend to do.

There was no chance of discussing it whilst still in school, she was crying too much and could only manage squeaks.

By the time we got home she was calmer and she managed to say it was about PE - the last lesson before hometime - but was too cross to tell me anymore.

When she's anxious like this, it's best to wait until she's ready to talk, too much pressure makes for an anxiety-ridden time.

She's talked a little bit since about what upset her and it sounds like the child who hit her on Friday was antagonising her.

Much calmer D after that and hopefully she'll have a better day tomorrow.

I hope everyone's had a good day, comments/RTs/shares as ever welcomed, thanks for reading Jx 😘



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Thank you for reading :)
Thank you
Thanks, I've learned that it is softly-softly with D (and T), anything else just causes anxiety and delays finding out what's wrong.
[...] Tuesday 2nd October – the positives of social media. [...]
Hello J, I hope D gets into school okay today. Have a good day xxx