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Wife, Mumma, wearer of purple, #pblogger, #prfriendly #reviewer Shortlisted in #BiBs in Commentary. Sponsor me here pls! http://www.justgiving.com/autism-mumma

Unexpectedly successful! Fri 16th Aug 2013

Written by Jeannette

When I was planning out this week, today was the particular day I wasn't looking forward to. Not because of any medical or CAMHS-like appointments but because we had British Gas engineers scheduled.

Unfamiliar visitors to our house will either be greeted by familiarity or extreme fear with D, for instance she will want to hug the food shopping delivery man because he's bringing her food (I don't let her!), T will view workmen etc with annoyance as they're in "his" territory.

There was also the added complication that we would firstly have no electricity and then no gas as we're moving over to smart meters (post to follow). So, no TV, no wifi, no kettle and it was raining *wails*.

But, in the end, it all went very well. I'd been reminding the children all week about today and the implications of zero power, additionally I'd primed D up with painting activities and she was well into her painting by the time they arrived, so completely ignored them! Big relieved yay!! T was more conscious of them but he concentrated on his stat-writing in his room.

Here's D's creations:

Firstly, D painted her favourite meal at a restaurant - garlic bread, fish and chips and vanilla ice cream:

Unexpectedly successful! Fri 16th Aug 2013

Next, there were two pictures of unicorns pulling princesses in carriages. I love all the detail, she puts so much effort into what-are-usually very positive pictures:

Unexpectedly successful! Fri 16th Aug 2013
Unexpectedly successful! Fri 16th Aug 2013

After the engineers went, it was splash-time as the sun came out. Plenty of splashing, lots of laugher, a good end to a surprisingly good day. Which just goes to show the unpredictableness of autism, the picture below is right, there is "never a dull moment".

I hope everyone's day has gone well, comments/RTs/shares as ever welcomed, thanks for reading Jx 😘

Unexpectedly successful! Fri 16th Aug 2013
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