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Carrying on caring on Mon 21st Oct 2013

Written by Jeannette

The scenario that I don't like has arrived..the carer falls ill.

This cold (or has it moved on from a cold? It took a week to get here properly) is now taking control with a vengeance; my voice is now a squeak, which is frustrating when dealing with everyday conversations and interaction with the children. D, in particular, likes to have the reassurance that I am listening when she's chatting away, this is normally in the form of verbal acknowledgment from me and so she's been questioning if I am listening and all I can do is squeak (painfully) back.

Coughing and squeezing with gusto too and hoping no-one else picks it up.

Despite their Mumma looking like a cross between Pierrot the clown and Rudoph the red-nosed reindeer, they were at school on time and we've stuck to routines tonight.

Both had good days, D greeted me with a run-up and a massive body-slam and T had after-school football and then training so he was a bouncy chap.

Tomorrow brings flu jabs (I doubt they'll do me) and a parents evening for T.

Life goes on.

I hope everyone's day has gone well, comments/RTs/shares as ever welcomed, thanks for reading Jx 😘

Carrying on caring on Mon 21st Oct 2013
Comment on this post
To be honest I think you're a bit too unwell for the flu jab, are you sure it's not mutated into a chest infection? <br /> <br /> Hope you can get some rest of a sort today. Goes without saying you need to be well to keep the family together - wishing you rid of these germs xxx
Thanks Karen, it's definitely turning into something nasty, all rearranged for next week so hopefully I'll shake it off by then xx
To be honest I think you're a bit too unwell for the flu jab, are you sure it's not mutated into a chest infection? <br /> <br /> Hope you can get some rest of a sort today. Goes without saying you need to be well to keep the family together - wishing you rid of these germs xxx