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Wife, Mumma, wearer of purple, #pblogger, #prfriendly #reviewer Shortlisted in #BiBs in Commentary. Sponsor me here pls! http://www.justgiving.com/autism-mumma

5 random facts about me #BlogADayJuly


I saw a challenge this morning - Blog A Day For July - with a list of subjects to blog about each day.

I find blogging very therapeutic and quite often reveal more than I originally intended to.

Here's the list of blogging prompts:

5 random facts about me #BlogADayJuly

So, today's is "5 random facts about me":

1. I've taken my driving test twice but not passed, each time failed through nerves on the day. The last time was about 13 years ago and part of me would like to start it up again for the freedom of not lugging groceries back by hand but another part enjoys the fresh air and the exercise. School runs are p a n t s in the rain though.

2. I would like to get my eyebrows semi-permanently drawn on, I'm so fair that my eyebrows are not very visible. I'm put off by the fact that last time I had them tinted, D told me I had "vampire eyebrows".

3. My guilty pleasure is watching "Once Upon A Time" on a Sunday night with a bag of Maltesers and Mr Bluecrisps, which leads me to...

4. I nibble the chocolate of Maltesers like a squirrel and then enjoy the centre. Makes them last for ages!

And now you're thinking "what a dreadful example to her children!"

Last random fact for today:

5. A friend and I once spent the night in a Central London park as a dare. This was before mobile phones. It never got completely dark due to the lights and all the traffic. We ended up in MaccyD at Marble Arch the next morning, both completely shattered as both of us were too scared to sleep. It's not now that I appreciate the danger we placed ourselves in and blimey, I was grounded for ages!

Thats probably enough for today!

5 random facts about me #BlogADayJuly
Comment on this post
Oh my goodness! What a terrifying dare!! Can you imagine doing it now!? I'd crap myself lol x
I know lol, I'd go spare if one of my kids did that now. Can still remember how knackered and scared I felt.
Yum maltesers... <br /> Great facts! Thanks for taking part
Thanks :)