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Spam, ham and rotten eggs

Written by bluecrisps

I try to clear out my "spam" folder at least once a week, it's usually quite an experience. Comments which have nothing to do with what I've written about, links to all manner of "dodgy" sites - I never click on them, just wonder occasionally how they've found me.

There was a spam comment a couple of weeks back that I decided to reply to. It was personal, it referenced the blog title, made derogatory remarks and ended with they wished they hadn't bothered reading - an opportunity to reply with an explanation and get some awareness raised I thought. I didn't hear anything further from them.

This week has seen more comments from within the autism community. I'm going to reference this post United we stand, divided we fall and leave it at that, apart from to say I hope my blog is helping to raise autism awareness and acceptance. I blog honestly and openly about bringing up special needs children (I'm saying children even though T is currently undiagnosed) and related topics. People have the option to read or move on, I've been doing this diary blog since March so the content is familiar.

Those comments aren't going to make me stop blogging, but they have the option to stop reading.

Thank YOU for reading.


Comment on this post
[...] been troll-ed, I’ve been bullied, I’ve kept going. I’ve been asked to write articles for other online publications and [...]
[...] both very unexpected occurrences – click on the links to read The Dark Side of Twitter and Spam, Ham and Rotten Eggs – but I’ve learnt now to “block and ignore” if [...]
Totally agree, thank you Kate. Shocked me at the time, especially from within the SN community but ...agreed!
Thank you Deb, block and ignore is the only way forward :)
You can only tell it as it is if you want to be authentic. If people don't like that they need to move on. They are probably less brave than you or that is what I think anyway.