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Wife, Mumma, wearer of purple, #pblogger, #prfriendly #reviewer Shortlisted in #BiBs in Commentary. Sponsor me here pls! http://www.justgiving.com/autism-mumma

Saturday 20th October - D's inner princess is emerging

Written by bluecrisps

We started off the day by watching this wonderful "Firework" duet between Katy Perry and Jodi, an 11yr old who has autism. An amazingly moving performance from both singers and you can tell at the end of the song how anxious Jodi was, the way she was absolutely clinging onto Katy.

We've had a good day, my princess-fixated D and I.

She started her day by saying "I urgently need breakfast, I've been without food all night" which was said with urgency as well and guaranteed to make you smile and produce the goods!

I remembered that I had a "princess games chest" hidden away in our presents cupboard and introduced it to D. She was so successful with Monopoly the other day, I wanted to encourage more of the same.

It had checkers, bingo and some card games in there. We took it at a very slow pace and generally she did very well. There were times when she'd say "Mumma I'm tired" which translates to "I don't understand, I don't know what to do" and during checkers she'd have this mischievous look in her eye just before she'd take my players away and then go for it!

So, it was a win for D with the checkers, bingo and snap. Of course, it was an "allowed" win, we'll build up to accepting that other people win occasionally, once we've got the turn-taking fully implemented. I've suddenly remembered that was on one of her IEPs so I'll have to let her teacher know.

D seems to be very into Disney princesses at the moment, I'm not sure why. There's never been an interest previous. She's decided she'd like a Cinderella princess dress and my challenge - cue "Mission Impossible" music - is to find a suitable dress in her size.

So, without the anxieties of strangers and school, it's been a good day. I'm pleased that she's allowing herself to try new challenges.

I did a little post on doodles earlier, please scroll down and have a read if you haven't already.

I hope everyone's had a good day, comments/RTs/shares as ever welcomed, thanks for reading Jx 😘


Comment on this post
Awww thank you, my T and D are lovely little people, it's just getting others to realise that too. Bless your moggie x
Finally caught up with your blogs Jeannette. I really enjoy them and love hearing about D and T's day. You have your hands full but the love you have for your family is so obvious. Your blogs are heartwarming and I will be sure to tune in everyday. P.S. Is that your Cat. Very same as mine (Ali). Except Ali has lost an eye. Still as cute as a button though. xxx