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Wife, Mumma, wearer of purple, #pblogger, #prfriendly #reviewer Shortlisted in #BiBs in Commentary. Sponsor me here pls! http://www.justgiving.com/autism-mumma


Written by bluecrisps

Got a few questions buzzing around my head....

Why is this Government attacking the vulnerable and needy in society? Forcing people who are medically incapable of looking for work, taking vital money from others? Causing people to literally worry themselves to death?

Why, when a woman on the Isle of Man goes public because her autistic daughter has been refused DLA renewal and questions that decision, is she mocked and attacked via comments. (The article is RTd on my timeline)

Why did I believe an MP who told me "David had a disabled child, he won't take anything away from SN children"

Why is the statementing process so long-winded and quite honestly, painful. You want to scream out and say "my child is a human being, not a budget figure"

Why is autism on the increase?

Why has D got autism? Is it me, or Hubbie? Why her and not our two sons?

I walk past a secondary school every day and see all the teenagers laughing, joking, running around without a care and think "don't they realise how lucky they are?" I know there's plenty of teenage angst but I can't envisage D as a care-free teenager. Why? I just can't.

Just why?

Comment on this post
Lmao why makes the world go round. Where would we be with out why? Though. I have to say why put me in a very dark place. With the help of many others and that horrible question why, I found my self depressed. I once was consumed with that question. My goal as a person is to now help others not to go through the dark clouds of depression that often sits over a family dealing with diagnosis and parenting with ASD in the home. I use to feel so alone until I reached out to the local autism chapter in my area. Then I found other mothers just like me. Then I found you and others on line. Mothers all trying to make it through. I realized how many mothers struggle day to day just to get through. Mothers like me shielding there children while the whole world seems to be pressing at their backs. Women like you who blog about the topics that hurt us all like the question why or about what it's like day to day melt down or storm are putting their necks out there. For the judgement that often brought me to my knees. I thank you for this. It takes a lot. It takes guts. Why you eg. Well this maybe why. Because sometimes those who need a voice and can't speak need one. Please keep bloging I love reading. I will answer once and awhile cant say we will always agree but can say I will always love and respect you. Much love 1funmum
Me too...me too xx
Sorry for typos I use an iPhone and it has auto correct but it screws up stuff sometimes. Lol
Because that is what the Tories do, protect the rich at the expense of everyone else. Every day I read something or see something on the news that just sickens me. I am actually afraid of what this country will be like as my children are growing up.
I will, thank you. I was still thinking "why's" at 2.30am this morning and probably always will. Fingers crossed for all of us x