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Wife, Mumma, wearer of purple, #pblogger, #prfriendly #reviewer Shortlisted in #BiBs in Commentary. Sponsor me here pls! http://www.justgiving.com/autism-mumma

Wednesday 28th March

Written by bluecrisps

Today started off well...but it didn't last.

D went into class very well today, just the one TA coaxing her to go in instead of the (sometimes physically get her through the door with) two TAs. I found out (in a roundabout way) that her teacher has been off all week, so much for communication!

On a Wednesday pm, she has to walk home so I usually distract her with an ice-cream. This focuses her away from passers-by and I can put one arm round her and the other pushes the (full) double buggy and we take it slow, but steady.

Today just went wrong, the ice-cream I'd brought from the freezer (trying to save a bit of money) was not a 99-flake and very melty. Lots of moans from D about walking.

She & T squabbled and scrapped a lot at home, resulting in several meltdowns from D and a blow to her brother. I did ask them both if they forgave each other after the final outburst and had to use my "stern" voice which D definitely does not like.

In the bath tonight, she was very negative "I don't want to be a girl, I want to die" etc. This all stemmed from her being "told off" as she eventually told me. I knew, it's happened before. This is why I am usually calm, consistent and at her level but when she deliberately hurts someone else, I do ask her to apologise - once she has calmed down.

I don't like to do a moany blog and always try to end positively, tonight is the exception.

(deep breath)..tomorrow is another day. Comments/RTs as ever welcomed Jx 

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Worn out Wednesday !!! <br /> Hope tomorrow brings positive vibes xx