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Wife, Mumma, wearer of purple, #pblogger, #prfriendly #reviewer Shortlisted in #BiBs in Commentary. Sponsor me here pls! http://www.justgiving.com/autism-mumma

Snuggles Sunday! 1st Dec 2013

Written by Jeannette

Snuggles Sunday! 1st Dec 2013
Snuggles Sunday! 1st Dec 2013

This was how D's been happiest today, snuggled up in her onesie, under a fleece blanket which completely covered her, playing minion rush. Another pre-requisite is having me next to her, this was how we rolled (or rather sat).

It's been a much quieter day after the crowd fest that was the switching on off the Christmas lights yesterday. There was an "extravaganza" aimed at children up there today but it would have been mega-crowded (if yesterday was anything to go by) and the attractions were free, which always brings in the numbers. So no, the thought of stressing D and T out completely for the sake of a two minute attraction was not appealing. I wish that the organisers would consider children with mental difficulties. D's school is prominent in our area and children are always going to the shops to learn how to budget and buy ingredients for something they're going to cook, the staff in their brightly coloured school coats are always an indication that there are SN children around. Similarly, the elderly. There is a very high elderly population and I'll bet the majority of them kept away too.

Anyway...rant over. But I think it's worth an email.

With the beginning of December comes disruption to both of T and D's school timetables with rehearsals and class parties etc. It also brings a hospital appointment for D, something I'm not looking forward to on her behalf but trying not to let it show, it's difficult masking it though. But, I guess, this is where I have an advantage because T and D are less likely to "read" my facial expressions or a tone.

A new week and a new month, wishing everyone a good one.

Thanks for reading, comments/RTs/shares as ever welcomed, Jx 😘

Snuggles Sunday! 1st Dec 2013
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