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Wife, Mumma, wearer of purple, #pblogger, #prfriendly #reviewer Shortlisted in #BiBs in Commentary. Sponsor me here pls! http://www.justgiving.com/autism-mumma

Monday 30th April

Written by bluecrisps

The day started off like every other Monday - or most mornings - with "I don't want to go to school" being shouted, very loudly. She wanted a day off, to stay at home.

She was in a stroppy mood all the way to T's school and then agreed to the iPad, which fortunately distracted her until we got to her school.

Her TA was there who'd been bashed with a tennis racquet on Friday (not by D) and loved her "get well" picture that D had drawn so she went in happily (yes, after all the initial stroppiness!):


She came out overjoyed to see me at the end of the day - virtually bowling me over and knocking my sunglasses off my head!

She hadn't really wanted to chat about her day, apart from mentioning that the boy who picks on her is still doing so. I think this is a big part of why she doesn't physically want to go through the doorway in the morning, I hope the school respect my request for them not to be in the same class from September (there are two classes).

She did a lovely drawing tonight, this is the "baddie" from Monsters vs Aliens - her favourite film at the moment:


Please read my post from earlier if you haven't already. Comments/RTs as ever welcomed, thanks for reading Jx 😍

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Thanks for your honest perspective. Great pictures! :)<br /> Jackie www.autismpower.com